Saturday 8 November 2014

Year 6 Curriculum Update


Image courtesy of Håkan Dahlström
Reading - We are currently in our guided reading groups exploring both fiction and non-fiction text.  One of the key focus points is on using information from the text to provide informed responses which in turn, demonstrate a sound understanding of what is being read.  Students have been asked to complete activities via Edmodo which is available to them outside the classroom.

Oral - We are using presentation opportunities for the students to develop their vocabulary, use of expression and tone to engage their audience.

Writing - Our genre focus is on "Non-Chronological Reports" and collectively we have worked hard to identifying key features which have been used to create our Success Criteria.  The students will be using and applying their knowledge and expertise to create an eBook on a subject of their choice.  During this the students will be exploring the simple, compound and complex sentences types and when and where they might be used.

We are investigating Shape, Space and Measurement. Some of the learning outcomes include:
  • identifying/classifying various polygons and polyhedrons
  • measuring and drawing angles
  • plotting coordinates in all 4 quadrants, 
  • reflecting/rotating/translating polygons
  • calculating perimeter/area/volume. 
Students are in differentiated groups with specific activities and enrichment material to provide “hands on” opportunities to apply their knowledge.  The students are expected to explore and complete the relevant section(s) of Mathletics that corresponds to what is covered in class.

Unit of Inquiry (UOI)
The students are currently working on their final "Communication" presentation which highlights who they communicate with and how, as well as identifying how this has changed over time.

Additionally, the students will be completing a Digital Citizenship program which will explore:
  • Safety & etiquette
  • Intellectual property
  • Their digital footprint
Our next UOI explores the transdisciplinary theme of 'Who We Are.'

Central Idea

The media persuades and manipulates perceptions for different reasons.

Lines of Inquiry
  • How is persuasive language used in advertising?
  • How and why are advertising techniques and elements used to persuade?
  • How do different target audiences respond to adverts?
If you are particularly knowledgeable or experienced in this area it would be wonderful to hear from you.  Maybe you could visit us or we could visit you.

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