Friday 31 October 2014

A Techriffic Week

Last week was a busy week with the students using a variety of iPad tech tools to support and enhance their learning.

Here are some examples:
  • Explain Everything was used by students to describe the properties of a particular 3D shape and explain the relationship between 2D and 3D shapes.
  • The students used Mathletics to consolidate their understanding of angles and challenge their peers with online mathematics questions.
  • We have been using the Google Chrome and Puffin browsers to search for information related to the UOI project on communication.  The students have also been accessing  Creative Commons and Google Images (via Search tools) to ensure that permission is granted before using images.
  • We have been using polls, quizzes and assignments on Edmodo during guided reading and UOI.
  • During our report writing the students worked with Inspiration to co-create a spidergram plan about KICS.  The students will be using this app again to plan their person report on an area of interest before publishing it on Book Creator.
  • For homework the students have been using Spelling City to develop their spelling and vocab skills based on the levelled word lists that they each have.  While Spelling City is available online, it also has an Android and an iOS app that can be downloaded to explore the wide range of games and activities.
To cap the week off the students received their iPad covers which they were truly excited about because this means that they will be able to take them home.  With this opportunity comes the responsibility of being sensible users of technology which both Year 6 teachers and Mr Brad spoke about upon handing out the covers.  To empower the students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world, all of the students will be completing a digital citizenship program.

Here are some pics and tweets from the week that was.  Remember to make sure you have subscribed to our blog and follow us on twitter via our username, @KICSYear6, or alternatively search for the hashtag, #kicslearns.

A very successful student!

One of the many Spelling City activities available.

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