Friday 21 November 2014

A Look Back At Week 13

Mathematics - PAV

This week was a particularly exciting week for the students as they were finally allowed to use Minecraft during class time.  As we were finishing up our investigation into perimeter, area and volume (PAV), this iconic block game became the perfect match.

Using the scale of 1 block = 50cm, the students had to accurately measure the various walls, windows and doors and then apply this knowledge to create 'The Kingdom of Year 6.'  Whilst they were individually creating on their own worlds, the collaboration and exchange of expertise was amazing.  Apart from our mathematical knowledge and understanding, the students were the experts here!  If you have not seen what they have created, and can create, make sure you ask, as you will no doubt be astounded like their teachers were.
While this was occurring, a couple of students accessed the Floor Planner app to create the same model of 'The Kingdom of Year 6.'  Again, as teachers,  we were thoroughly impressed with the accuracy of these floor plans.  Furthermore, the students creativity in their design of the interior aesthetics was an added bonus.

Both of these activities clearly highlighted, that when specifically planned for, technology has the ability to enhance and transform learning.

Language - Non Chronological Reports

This week the students have been using their plan to draft up their reports on a specific area of expertise using either their books or Google Docs.  The benefit of using Google Docs is that this documents can be shared with other students and the teacher which enables the conferring stage to occur throughout the writing process.
The aim over the next week is to have students publish these reports as eBooks using Book Creator.  These reports can then be shared as either epub file or as a video.  Check out the video below to see what we collectively created.

Unit of Inquiry

We have just started exploring the transdisciplinary theme of 'Who we express ourselves' which looks at the influence of media.  We have been using Edmodo for a lot of the initial discussion activities.  Once activity in particular that caught the students by surprise involving a so called "boring" Coca Cola add!  Through the use of the Aurasma app, this simple image highlighted the new and exciting interactive nature of advertising.  Please get your child to show you how this augmented reality app works.

Some initial inquiry questions posted on Edmodo were:

Buddy Reading

For the second week running, our Year 1 buddies joined us for some shared reading.

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